Monday, 17 December 2012


Do you think an operating system may be not profitable to us.....
But ....tin-tog.... Linux bring a most powerful operating system name as UBUNTU!!!

Ubuntu is a open source software, Ubuntu is not only free it’s also most powerful operating system ever made... We discuss more about it in further talk
And I also want u clear that it's a part of Linux so it inherits all the feature and functionality of Linux into it.

First we talk about the current; the current version of UBUNTU is 12.04...
Yup! Now we can start... what is this ubuntu???... Personally I didn't like the name more often. :)

Ubuntu is an open source operating system which is developed by our worldwide community of programmers
as well as by employees of Ubuntu's sponsor, Canonical. This operating system is based on the concept
of open-source software which is meant to be free, meaning that you do not pay fees for Ubuntu, and you can download it free.

As it’s known to us that Ubuntu is part of Linux so it conform the stability, security to our computer world. As June 2007
The worlds supercomputer run on Linux so undought we can trust on it. It makes a special corner for all workstations.

In resent time there are eight million users are using Linux.... Ubuntu mark as the most popular operating  system of linux.
Due to its free to download and shear its difficult to keep the user database exactly.. "You can say it a unviable power of earth"..

Ubuntu v/s Windows and OS X

How does Ubuntu is un like to windows and apple os x............?
ubuntu are differ from both Windows And apple os x is licensing and distribution, Ubuntu provide everything in free...... it freedom
To anything for any purpose and can be modify as per uses and can be distributed in market with any copyright obligation...
it's an open source its meant that free and only free......... yuppie.....!!!

There are many things in Ubuntu which can be use flawlessly...

1. Office suite @ free,
   A full office suite with a word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 software that can read and write in .doc, .xls, and .ppt formats and can also output to PDF,
And supports the ISO standard for electronic office documents, Open Document Format.

2. Email Clint @ free

    An email program with a similar interface to Microsoft Outlook

3. Web browser @ free

    The increasingly popular Web browser

4. Databases @ free

    The two best-known open-source databases on Linux are PostgreSQL and MySQL,
But commercial databases such as Oracle and IBM's DB2 are also available. There are also tools like Glom that provide an
Easy-to-use graphical interface for designing and editing databases.

5. Others @ free

    Ubuntu's online Applications Guide lists some Ubuntu-compatible applications that allow you to edit images, listen to and manage music, edit and watch videos,
 read PDFs, connect to instant messaging services from MSN, AOL, Google, Yahoo, and more

Potential drawbacks:

Its sound good 'open source' and '@ free' but "moon also having spot on it"
There are some problem regarding the open source software’s...... such as "ubuntu"

1. Installation
2. Hardware Compatibility
3. Software Availability

blah...blah...... but regarding this... the good news is...

The good news is that Ubuntu is no-risk.
Ubuntu can be tried out in a number of different ways without removing an existing operating system altogether.
In a "dual-boot" configuration, every time the computer starts up, the user is presented with a choice of which operating system to run.
A fast computer with a lot of RAM can also run Ubuntu in a virtual machine, which treats the entire operating system as a program.

How to download: 
You can download ubuntu for your desktop from here. 
Download ubuntu here.  
You can download windows installer for ubuntu 
windows installer for ubuntu.

You can check ubuntu website for Hardware specifications and whether it will support your System or not. 

prateek verma

 - OSR Open Source Revolution


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