If you have ever programmed in java, you must have used notepad++ at some time. Its a widely used source code editor due to its faster exexution speed and memory requirements. Notepad++ (notepad plus plus) is a free and open source replacement for the windows platform. Its supports several languages, and is presently for MS environment. Its licensed under GNU GPL.
Notepad++ is a powerful text editing software and is written in C++ language. It has a very fast execution speed and requires very low memory space to run.
Features of notepad++:
Notepad++ is a powerful text editing software and is written in C++ language. It has a very fast execution speed and requires very low memory space to run.
Features of notepad++:
- Syntax highlighting.
- Auto-completion. The words, functions or syntax are automatically completed.
- Using different tabs for multiple documents. That means working on different documents at the same time.
- Zoom in and Zoom out feature.
- An entirely customizable Graphical user interface. You can customize notepad++ according to you needs and as per your requirements.
If you are a coder, you must need it.
You can look at some of the more "technical" features at the Notepad++ website http://notepad-plus-plus.org/
You can find download links, source codes, and news related to the notepad++ community.
By the way, for your quick reference,
here is the download links for the latest version of notepad++ npp.6.2.3.Installer.exe.
Here is the source code for geeks, npp.6.2.3.src.7z.
open source world.
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