Monday, 18 February 2013

Learn Unix : Introduction to beginners.

Learn UNIX : Chapter 1. What is Unix. Short description to kernel, shell, and commands related to listing files and directories.

Lets begin UNIX Introduction with the question "What is UNIX"? 

Unix is an operating system just like Windows, which was developed in 60s and is in development ever since. Basically started with just command lines, its now have a Graphical Interface. There are different versions of UNIX, like Sun Solaris, GNU/Linux and Mac OS X. However, we in the tutorials will cover with Linux Operating System. 

There is basically three parts of a UNIX operating System: the kernel, the shell, and the programs. 

Now, What is a Kernel? 
The kernel is a part of Operating system which basically handles hardware interaction and allocation of time and memory to programs and management of System calls. 
The shell. It acts as an interface between the user and the kernel. 
Files and Processes. If anything is in Unix, its either a process or a file. A file is a collection of data stored for future use or whenever needed. A process is a program in execution. For ex, lets say you write a piece of code, and stored it in a file. When you execute that file, its a process. And is assigned a Process ID.

What is a Unix Terminal? 
You can get to know about it here in my earlier post introduction-to-shell-programming.

Listing Files and Directories. 

ls         list files and directories. 
List all the Directories and files that are present in the current Directory. However, it doesn't list files with (.) as beginning. As files starting with .(dot) are hidden files. 

ls -a list all files and directories. 
It lists all directories and Files even if they begin with a dot in the Current directory. 

mkdir <directory_name> make a directory. (A directory in Linux/Unix is a Folder in windows.)
Make a directory of the mentioned directory name.

cd <directory> change to directory. <directory> is the name of the directory to change to. 

cd ~  change to home directory. 

cd ..  change to parent directory. 
For ex. if you are in a\b\c and execute command cd .. you will go to a\b

pwd display the path of the current directory. 


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