Linux Open Source Revolution.

Managed by Ambarish......partner with Prateek Verma.

The human knowledge belongs to the world.

Source code availability ensures it does belong to the world.

Everything free.

Even full fledged softwares.

Website's motive.

To spread awareness about the free and open source world.

Friday, 31 May 2013

Useful keyboard shortcuts for Ubuntu.

Key Board shortcuts are an efficient way of doing things fastly. Getting familiarizes with them reduces a lot of time for a geek. Here's some of the most used shortcuts for Ubuntu.

Desktop shortcuts.

Alt + F4                     Close the current window.
Alt + F2                     Display command window.
Alt + Tab                   Switch between the windows.
Ctrl + Alt + L             Lock the screen.
Ctrl + Super + D         Hide all windows and show the desktop.
Ctrl + Alt + Delete     Log out.

Common editing shortcuts.

Ctrl + A     Select All. Texts or Items.
Ctrl + X     Cut Selected texts or items and put them into clipboard.
Ctrl + C     Copy selected items or texts to clipboard.
Ctrl + V     Paste the contents of the clipboards.
Ctrl + Z     Undo the last action/step.

Navigate Windows. 

Alt + F4                 Close the current windows.
Ctrl + Super + ↓     Restore a maximized windows to its original state. 
Alt + F7                 Move the current window. Press alt + f7 and then use the arrow keys to move the window. 
Alt + F8.               Resize the current window. Press alt + f7 and then use the arrow keys to move the window.
Ctrl + Super +     Maximize the window.
Alt + Space           Pop up the window menu as if you have right click on title bar. 

Capturing from the screen. 

Print Screen (prt sc)      Take a screenshot of the screen. 
Alt + Print Screen.         Take a screenshot of a window. 
Shift + Print Screen.      Take a screenshot of an area of the screen. 

Note. Super Key is the key on the left side of the keyboard with a windows logo on it. 


Open Source Revolution

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

LibreOffice 4. Best Alternative to MS Office.

 LibreOffice 4 is the most recent and stable version released of LibreOffice with new features and several important changes and updates. Its an office suite free to use and with source code availability. There is a large number of LibreOffice users across the world and its available for all leading platforms be it Windows, Linux, Mac. 

LibreOffice is considered among the tenchos, the best open source and free Office suite. Here's why. 
  • Free and open source.
  • Availability for over 30 languages.
  • Stable since its been in development phase since 20 years. 
  • Users involvement in its development and testing. 
  • Simple to use and powerful user interface. 
  • Easy import of office documents from MS Office, or OpenOffice. 
What's included in the LibreOffice 4 Suite: 
  • Writer. Its a word processor. With features like auto-completion, auto-spelling check and auto formatting, its no less than its competitors in the market. Its powerful enough to handle desktop publishing and creating brochures and newsletters.
  •  Calc. Analyzing data and presenting it to charts and pie diagrams is its main function. With the capability of importing data from Oracle, SQL databases, its much more powerful than you can think and with full documentation and help, you will not find it any difficult to work with it. 
  • Impress. Its the fastest and easiest way of creating presentation. With a rich set of in built multimedia animation and effects will let you create something that's different and more attractive in comparison to MS Office. 
  • Draw. Its a drawing tool. You can draw anything from a plane simple line diagram to 3D diagrams. its strength depends on the purpose of your use. 
  • Base. Its the front end database tool which gives you the option of either integrating your existing database structures with LibreOffice components or creating a stand alone interface to the database.  Queries and Databases from Ms Access to SQL, PostgreSQL can be easily imported. Supports a wide range of Databases. Most of them are in-built. If not, they can easily be integrated. 
  • Math. Its an equation editor used to create complex mathematical formulas in standard notations. 
So, you wanna give it a try? 

You can download LibreOffice versions according to your system, versions you want, and languages you are most friendly with. 

LibreOffice_4 Download. (Main website).
It comes with direct downloads, or through torrents. There is an option of downloading it as a portable software without the need to install.
If you are an existing MS Office user, giving it a try is not a bad idea.

Source Code:  You can download LibreOffice Source Code here. 

System Requirement:   
System requirements for Windows, Linux, Mac OS. 

Open Source World.

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